Harald Eggebrecht (Germany)

Dr. Harald Eggebrecht studied literature, musicology and fine arts in Munich and Berlin.  From 1981-87 he was cultural editor at NDR (North German Radio). Presently he works as a free-lance author, especially for the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

He is a jury member on various literary panels (e.g. the Journalism Prize of the Bavarian capital of Munich) and music competitions (e.g. Louis Spohr competition Weimar, the Classic Prize of Austria – GRADUS AD PARNASSUM Vienna, ARD competition Munich, Joseph Joachim competition Hannover, Leopold Mozart competition Augsburg). His lectures are in high demand (e.g. Heidelberg Spring, Nymphenburg Summer, Mozarteum Salzburg, Literary Autumn Göttingen). Harald Eggebrecht has also written a number of books about literature, arts, fotografy and music (e.g. about Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Karl May, Sergiu Celibidache, Ludwig II., Henri Rousseau, Philipp Otto Runge, Stefan Moses), among them,  Great Violinists, and Great Cellists acclaimed standard reference.